NASHVILLE, Tenn. (May 31, 2023) – Recent Antioch High School graduate Adia Musana is the 2023 recipient of the Chaput-Avery Family Foundation Scholarship. The 18-year old was selected from a stellar group of Antioch H.S. seniors who have taken part in the Chaput-Avery Family Foundation Leadership Scholars Program through YWCA’s Girls Inc. program. She will be pursuing a degree in marketing at the University of Tennessee - Chattanooga this fall.“Being awarded this scholarship means I am able to further my educational goals and not have to worry about the burden of debt, along with the stress of being a new college student.” said Adia Musana. “I am so grateful to the Chaput-Avery Family Foundation and Girls Inc. and hope and dream that someday I can be placed in a position to give back to younger girls in the future who were once like me, dreamers.”Adia’s parents fled their war-torn homeland of the Democratic Republic of Congo in the early 2000s and settled in Nashville where she and her sisters were born and raised. She is the fourth Metro Nashville Public School senior to be awarded the $50,000 scholarship. Each recipient took part in YWCA’s weekly Girls Inc. classroom programming that focuses on building confidence and setting academic, personal, and career goals. They also participated in monthly in-depth leadership and college readiness workshops.The latest scholarship recipient was selected based on her GPA, school and community involvement, and leadership skills. One of Adia’s teachers recommended her to the judging committee, sharing that she gives 100 percent and always does the right thing, even when no one else is looking. She describes her as a very special student who can be trusted to always make great decisionsYWCA’s Girls Inc. program began partnering with the Chaput-Avery Family Foundation in the summer of 2019 to launch its leadership and scholarship program at Antioch High School. Scholarship recipients are mentored throughout their four years of college by Dr. Chaput Guizani, the Foundation’s Vice President and board member, who is also a former K-12 teacher, administrator, and university instructor. The academic and leadership initiative has reached more than 50 young women at Antioch and other MNPS high schools where Girls Inc. programming is taking place.“We couldn’t be more delighted with this partnership and the impact it is having on our Girls Inc. high school juniors and seniors,” said YWCA President and CEO Sharon K. Roberson. “With its keen focus on earning her college degree and the positive impact that college education brings, every student who participates is learning important leadership skills and lessons that they will carry throughout their lives."About Girls Inc. at YWCA Nashville & Middle TennesseeGirls Inc. at YWCA Nashville & Middle Tennessee was launched in early 2008 in response to the limited enrichment activities for middle school girls in the Nashville public school system. Today, Girls Inc. has expanded to 28 elementary, middle, and high schools in the Metro Nashville Public School district, and engages more than 500 girls annually through its in-school programming, spring break and summer camps. The key objective of Girls Inc. is to equip girls to navigate gender, economic, and social barriers and grow up healthy, educated, and independent. To achieve this objective, the Girls Inc. Experience consists of people, and environment, and programming that, together, empower girls to succeed.About the Chaput-Avery Family FoundationThe Chaput-Avery Family Foundation, founded in 2018 by Bob Chaput, Mary Chaput and Nicole Chaput Guizani, is dedicated to strengthening leadership skills in girls and young women. Currently, the Foundation funds two programs, created through program funding and in partnership with the Nashville and Middle Tennessee’s YWCA and Girls Inc. The Chaput-Avery Leadership Scholars Program follows a curriculum focused on building confidence and achieving goals, developing a sense of leadership in the high school participants. After a thoughtful and vigorous application process the Chaput-Avery Family Foundation Scholarship is granted to one of the participants of the Scholars Program so that the recipient is able to enroll in and complete a four-year degree. ###