Abbie’s Safe Home↘
Dream it.
Abbie’s Safe Home is the largest emergency shelter in Tennessee for the pets of domestic abuse victims fleeing violence homes. Located on the campus of YWCA’s Weaver Domestic Violence Center, Abbie’s is a state-of-the-art shelter with space for eight dogs and six cats. The pet shelter also offers an isolation room for injured pets, two outside play yards and a safe outdoor space for cats. In addition, the YWCA’s new pet shelter provides therapy for pets who have been abused themselves and veterinary services. Abbie’s Safe Home removes one of the greatest barriers for victims fleeing abuse and allows people and their pets to stay together and heal together.
Build it.
Abbie’s Safe Home opened on Tuesday, August 24th, 2021. This critical community resource wouldn’t be possible without the support of YWCA Board Member Gail Alexander, Amazon, RedRover, and Be Like Henry Foundation. Click here to read the news release about our Pet Shelter.
Domestic violence impacts the entire family…
Regardless of their own crisis, some individuals and families refuse safe shelter if they cannot bring a beloved pet. YWCA Nashville & Middle Tennessee is committed to every possible action to bring more people out of abusive situations and into a place where they can begin healing and planning a bright future. Our new pet shelter – Abbie’s Safe Home – will remove a barrier to safety and allow pets and people to escape abuse together.
Pets are not immune to domestic violence, as abusers frequently threaten, injure, maim or kill their partners’ pets as a form of control.
71 percent of pet owners entering domestic violence shelters reported their abusers had threatened, injured, or killed their family pets.
Studies show that nearly half of women in domestic violence situations delayed leaving for fear their pets would be harmed.
Women in domestic violence shelters are 11 times more likely to report animal abuse by their partner than women not experiencing violence.
85 percent of domestic violence shelters report that they commonly encounter women who speak about pet abuse incidents.
52 percent of victims in shelters left their pets with their abusers.
55 percent of victims and their children report that their pets are very important sources of emotional support.
Women without children are more likely to postpone seeking shelter out of concern for their pets’ safety as compared to women with children.
To learn more or discuss opportunities, please contact YWCA’s Sr. Director of Community Engagement, Cade Fleming via email.
Ways to Give to Abbie’s Safe Home
There are several ways you can support our pet shelter:
Donate directly below